FLAX Room 915: Suncoast Audio presents Clarity's, Aurender, Hegel, and Lumin

Shunyata Research’s Richard Rogers showed me one of my favorite rooms of the show, a smallish rig that made very biggish sounds.

The source was an Aurender A20 Music Server ($15,000) with a Lumin P1 Network Player ($10,000), a Lumin L2 Music Library ($3500), and a Hegel Viking CD Player ($5000). A Hegel 600 Integrated Amplifier ($12,5000) drove a pair of Clarisys Audio Minuet loudspeakers ($46,000/pair).

The Clarisys ribbon speakers played with excellent timing, naturalness, and lifelike buoyancy and drive that bowled me over then propped me up again, weary as I was on day three.

The new Shunyata Research Altaira Grounding System ($2998) was also used. Rogers did a quick AB without/with the System. I heard a major change.

Anton's picture

I heard they also has a pair of Full Ranges/Divas. Hope you got to experience those, too!