Big Ideas: Don't Get Any

Awhile back, Radiohead held an online contest, asking fans and other ambitious artists to remix their song, "Nude," from the superb album In Rainbows. I forwarded the link to my good friend Todd, knowing that he could win it all—win it all!—if only he cared enough to spend the time with it.

I don't think he bothered. He's been too busy re-mixing his own stuff.

Today, however, Todd sent me a video created by a fellow named James Houston. James submitted the video as his final project in a graphic design course at the Glasgow School of Art. James writes:

I decided to take the piss a bit, as the contest seemed to be in that spirit.

Based on the lyric (and alternate title) "Big Ideas: Don't get any" I grouped together a collection of old redundant hardware, and placed them in a situation where they're trying their best to do something that they're not exactly designed to do, and not quite getting there.

James missed the deadline for the Radiohead contest. Teacher better had given him an A for the class.

struts's picture

Love it! A fun idea nicely executed. The 'credits' at the end are particularly cute. Would have got an 'A' from me!